Good thing I'm still faithful to it although the battery lasts for about only two hours. I wanted to change the battery but I couldn't. It is because I always charge the battery while I'm talking on the phone. So the battery has expanded...expanded....and expanded and I can't remove the casing anymore. Sob sob T.T
Can I say it's time to say goodbye to my old faithful handphone? But I'm broke! I can't buy a new handphone! I wannnt a DiGiiiiii iPhoneeeeeeeeee 4...!! Nuffnang is here to the rescue! Nuffnang will be giving out a DiGi iPhone 4 to one Nuffnanger! Sadly only one but at least, Nuffnang is generous!
Please gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme. iPhone 4 is so sleek, so catchy, so hot, so cool, so I want la.

I can do video calling using iPhone 4! I can do phone interviews with it. I always wanted to be a journalist! I can call for a face-to-face interview with George Bush, Obama, Osama just using iPhone 4 and I might be the next winner for the Pulitzer Prize!
I can also do HD video recording using iPhone 4! I always also wished to be a movie director! Maybe it's time for me to create my own movie. But first I have to call Jenna Jameson first. And maybe Kenny Sia?
I can also take beautiful pictures using iPhone 4! It comes with 5 megapixels! I always wanted to be a photographer, if I can't be a movie director. Ok, I have to call Jenna Jameson again.
Of course, I can surf Internet using iPhone 4! I can blog with it, facebook with it, and anything!
Most importantly, I can make a call to anyone using iPhone 4!
Okayyy. Nuffnang, will you give me a DiGi iPhone 4?
i wan too~~~can i?
Yes you can. Quick go visit now
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