It is a very interesting book, albeit it is quick thick. The thicker the better! I always like the biological topics when I was studying science from Form 1 to Form 3 but I never like the physics and chemistry topics. That's why I chose the arts stream.
There are so many diseases to read about in this book. Yet I have more than a dozen other MBA textbooks which I have yet to read.

I will be blogging about TB soon. I have been reading so much about TB trying to know as much as possible about this dreaded ancient disease. There was so much hype about H1N1 last year but nobody seems to care about this equally dangerous disease.
Or I would rather say it's worse than H1N1. Especially those of you who like to travel to exotic locations like India, Indonesia, China, Vietnam or any other South East Asian countries....you better watch out. Even Malaysia itself is a hotspot country for TB. And Penang itself has dozens of TB cases currently, according to the General Hospital. Ahh, you don't know about that, do you?
I want to shout out the danger of this disease in my next post. And I hope all of you would come tomorrow and read this post.
I always see people coughing here and there without covering their mouth and you never know what germs these people are spreading to you. Hence, I need to quench my desire by telling everyone about TB because I felt that there is not enough publicity being given about this disease which have killed so many people for the past few millenniums. Yes, millenniums! Even some of the ancient Egyptians died from this disease, according to the archaeologists.
Scientists have already successfully eradicated smallpox. Scientists almost won the war over TB before the 1980s but sadly, after the rise of HIV from the 1980s onwards, TB came back with a vengeance. In fact, I believe one day the entire human race would be wiped out by a plague and TB might be the culprit. Be afraid....
There are also recorded cases of multi-drug resistant TB especially in South East Asia and Eastern Europe and it is still spreading. Scientists are having headaches finding the cure for this multi-drug resistant TB because this bacteria is not affected by any antibiotic! It is extremely difficult to cure. It's like HIV being spread airborne! Hey I'm not kidding. Just be careful whenever you are on a plane. You never know if the person sitting next to you has the multi-drug resistant TB or not.
Please have some manners when you cough or sneeze.
1 comment:
Great post, much appreciate the time you took to write this.
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