I initially thought that the bronchoscopy procedure was over in just one minute, with me closing my eyes and waking up coughing with my right hand holding a tissue. But nooo....I was under sedation for over 30 minutes!

I am just amazed until now of how I could not recall anything of dozing off. Somehow I feel like I enjoy being sedated and I would like to be sedated again. When I was in the treatment room, I remembered seeing another patient under sedation smiling! LOL! At that time I was wondering was he given any laughing gas as well? Maybe I was also smiling all the way while I was under sedation. Who knows!
Anyway back to 6th September 2010. As I mentioned, I woke up coughing and I could clearly hear the 'oxygen machine' goes 'tit.........tit...........tit'. Next thing I knew I was looking down at my right hand grabbing some tissues. Without giving much thought to it, I went back to 'sleep'
I woke up again this time at the treatment room with all other patients. I realised that there was a tube being placed beneath my nostrils. Wondering what was this tube, I pulled it out and I guessed it must be some oxygen tube. My oxygen level must have dropped earlier, I believed. I put the tube back to my nostrils and I breathe in the air from the tube. 'Wonderful!' I thought, fresh oxygen!
Then I looked at the familiar device being attached to my right thumb. The device is connected to the oxygen machine making annoying noises like 'tit.........tit...........tit..........tiiiiiit.......tit............!'
Still feeling giddy, I went to 'sleep' again unperturbed by the annoying noise coming from the machine just next to me.
Then I woke up again. I looked at the clock on the wall right in front of my bed and it was already 3pm. I took out everything that was attached to my body and just lied down relaxing. My voice was so hoarse I could not even talk. I had to ask the nurse for permission to sip some water because it is advised that one should not drink or eat anything immediately after the bronchoscopy.
'Can ah dwink sum watah?' I asked the nurse with a very hoarse voice. The nurses looked at me, discussed among themself for a few seconds and finally said 'Yes, just a sip'.
At that time, I was still puzzled over what has had happened over the past two hours. At 4pm, my father arrived to fetch me back and I was allowed to be discharged by the nurses. Anyway, one is not allowed to drive or ride on their own after being sedated.

I finally had my lunch at 5pm. A rice porridge. Another advice is that one should eat something soft after the bronchoscopy.
Take care ^^
Thanks for ur concern :-)
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