I reached the hospital at about 11.30am. I have to search for the bronchoscopy section on the 1st floor. And here I am. Strangely, the signboard indicated it is the endoscopy section.

I went inside and asked the nurse about the bronchoscopy procedure and she said 'Yes, this is the place'.
The nurse took my blood pressure and asked me to change my clothes and to wear their hospital gown.
Next, they asked me to lie down on a bed and soon they brought a set of syringe. As I expected, they are going to give me an injection. The doctor has already said that this injection will be like the vaccination that I had in school. An injection to the muscle. Argggh..
As soon as the nurse injected me on my left arm, I groaned loudly 'ARGHHHH' Seriously! That was the most painful injection I ever had since BCG. You can feel the needle puncturing your muscle. Now I began to realise the injection for the blood test is 'nothing' compared to this painful injection to the muscle. This injection was needed to reduce my mucus production in my throat.

Soon, another injection came. This time they need to insert a tube on my hand near the fingers. Sigh...another painful injection. I groaned again...'ARGHHH'. LoL, I'm serious!
I was so worried for the next procedure. The bronchoscopy! The clock was ticking just right in front of my bed. The time was 12pm. I waited and waited until 12.30pm when the nurses pushed me into the scope room nearby.
I was so anxious and maybe a little excited when I was in the scope room. I could see all the medical equipment in there, just like in an operation theatre. Again, I waited and waited anxiously for the doctor to arrive.

Finally I saw her walking towards the room. It was about time....
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