Tuesday, June 26, 2007


There's a saying 'God only helps those who help themselves'. So true.....actually.

If you want to achieve something, you have to work for it. There's no shortcut like praying to God and 'voila'.....miracle happens.

I want to have one million ringgit right before me today and voila....it appears....wahhhh how wonderful. Duh...

I want to score in my exam. So I pray and I scored! God's help? Sure? What if you don't even study at all? Will it happened?

I feel God is just a final hope to give spiritual confidence to certain people in dire straits. Religion to me is just a spiritual motivation which is not to be taken seriously or to be relied seriously.

Yet some people go to the extent of spending tons and tons of ringgit hoping that religion would answer their prayers. That is not wise. Or some even use religion to kill innocent civilians. That's terrible.

How sad.....They say launch a war and you will go to heaven. Yea....righttttttt. Come on....

Who on earth actually have seen heaven and hell? Anyone...please put up your hand.... ahhh there you go. No one.

You gotta believe in yourself and think for yourself. You don't have to follow what some people from certain centuries bla bla bla and believe them.

We are in the 21st century already......
Think on your own!

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