Monday, February 7, 2011

The second appointment

I had another appointment with my Project Supervisor on Chinese New Year's eve, which was actually last Wednesday. I brought along a few couple of academic journals together with my proposal.

I presented my idea to her and she expressed doubt on it. I had a similar feeling too, actually. I believed it was because the theoretical framework was rather simple.

We spent a wholesome two hours discussing a few couple of theoretical frameworks. Finally, we came to an agreement after I told her about another interesting study. She immediately liked it after seeing the framework. So, we agreed on the spot to conduct a research based on that theoretical framework.

Since this is just an MBA 6-month project, all we can do is just a replication of a previous study. A new theoretical contribution is not needed as expected in a PhD student.

Now, I have to start preparing my Project Proposal to be handed in to the University. This is the beginning of the journey of my quest to be an Academic Social Scientist/Researcher.

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